CF - Company Finance
CF stands for Company Finance
Here you will find, what does CF stand for in Finance.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Company Finance? Company Finance can be abbreviated as CF What does CF stand for? CF stands for Company Finance. What does Company Finance mean?Company Finance is an expansion of CF
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Alternative definitions of CF
- Confer
- Chronic Fatigue
- Cold Fusion
- Cross Reference
- Compact Flash
- Compact Flash
- Compact Flash
- Cystic Fibrosis
View 452 other definitions of CF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CFRA Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts
- CGRA Currency and Gold Revaluation Account
- CII Confederation of Indian Industries
- CO Capital Outlay
- CPI-IW Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
- CR Capital Receipts
- CRAR Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
- CSO Central Statistical Organisation
- CVC Central Vigilance Commission
- CAR Chief of Army Reserve
- CDS Child Development Services
- CO/Co Commanding officer/company
- CQ Charge of quarters (duty required after duty hours)
- CS/C of S Chief of Staff
- C Ballistic Coefficient